
our story

The story of the East Indies is a story of a faraway land shrouded in mystery and folklore, once only known to the rest of the world by it’s fine spices…

The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote about spice from this far away land. During his time the known world stretched only as far as the Indus river in India, the lands beyond were simply known as ‘East of the Indus’… which became ‘The East Indies’. This vast archipelago remained ‘terra incognita’ until the age of explorers like Marco Polo set foot on their shores. He noted of the East Indies “it is a very rich archipelago, producing pepper, nutmegs, galingale, cubebs, and cloves, and all the precious spices that can be found in the world”

Long known as the ‘Spice Islands’ Indonesia is home to 10% of the world’s flowering plant species. Botanists and master distillers alike, dream of having access to an archipelago that provides such an endless array of both exotic and endemic botanicals. We pay homage to this rich history of spice and adventure by sourcing some of the most exotic and flavourful botanicals from across Indonesia to make our small batch handmade distilled gins in Bali – Islands of the Gods, Indonesia.

our process

Crafted using the finest handmade Carl stills from Germany, our gin is born on the magical – Island of the Gods, Bali. Our master distiller carefully balances the myriad flavours of our Indonesian botanicals with the highest quality macedonian Juniper. The objective is to get a balance between the perfect concentration of flavours, and a smooth clean spirit.

our stills

To make great gin you need high quality botanicals, passionate people and last but not least, a great still. At Spice Islands Distilling Co. we don’t compromise, so we commissioned Carl, a family owned company with more than 150 years of experience making the world’s best stills, to make our custom designed 550L hand made still.

our gins

Indonesia has long been known as the ‘Spice Islands’ and is home to 10% of the world’s flowering plant species. Botanists and master distillers alike, dream of having access to an archipelago that provides such an endless array of both exotic and endemic botanicals.

Whether it be ‘kecombrang’ (torch ginger flower) a cooking staple in Indonesian cuisine, or andaliman (batak pepper) the tongue numbing lemony cousin of schezuan pepper from Sumatera, we search the vast reaches of this island paradise to find the best of Indonesia to make our range of small batch distilled gins.

Kecombrang, also known as torch ginger flower adds bright citrus notes overlayed by warm andaliman batak pepper for this well balanced, light floral gin. Perfect for a refreshing gin & tonic and in classic gin cocktails.

Ripe Bali Pomelo, grapefruit and juniper come together with hibiscus and Bedugul Strawberries in this wonderfully aromatic Indonesian pink Gin.

Most of Europe’s fine spices originated from Indonesia, and none was more valuable than mace and nutmeg. Once only found in Banda Island, this fine spice is used to make a powerful spicy gin specifically designed for negronis. Not for the faint of heart.
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